Open Adoption Services And The Benefits To The Child

Being an adopted child can leave the young person with many unanswered questions. Open adoption services try to bridge the distance between adoptive families and biological families in ways that make sense for the child. The adoptive and birth parents go into an open adoption agreement with parameters set in place by both sets of parents, and it is a legally binding contract designed with the child's best interests in mind. [Read More]

Change Your Mindset During The Recovery Phase

A physical dependence on alcohol is just one aspect of an alcohol addiction. Your chemical makeup and thought process can have a huge bearing on why you turn to alcohol as a means of comfort. If you grew up with parents who had drinking problems and if your withdrawn behavior and difficulty opening up has influenced the decisions that you make, it can be impossible to break the cycle of abuse. [Read More]

Voicing Your Feelings May Help You Make Life Decisions

You may feel hopeless and lonely and as if your life isn't going like you anticipated. Maybe your children have grown up and moved on to begin families of their own or maybe you are tired of living in a town that is far away from where you grew up. It is important that you have recognized that there is an issue that is minimizing how happy you are. With some vocalization and guidance, you can turn a new leaf and begin living the lifestyle that you desire. [Read More]

Why Detox Is Vital, Yet Difficult, When Breaking An Alcohol Addiction

There is no way to break an alcohol addiction, or any other type of addiction, without first going through the process of detoxification. Detoxification is the first step of breaking an addiction, as it is the process of eliminating the substance completely from the body. Going through this is not easy, yet it is vital, if you really want to break the chains of addiction. What happens during detox? When you make the decision to stop drinking alcohol, your body will have to go through withdrawals as you stop consuming alcohol. [Read More]