Why Work With An Addiction Intervention Therapist?

Addiction is a challenging subject that affects many people's lives. A person living with an active addiction may struggle with their finances and health, in addition to running into trouble with the law. Sometimes, an intervention may be in an addict's best interest. Addiction intervention therapy can help addicts get help for their condition. These are four reasons to work with a therapist when considering addiction intervention: 1. Mediate an emotionally charged situation. [Read More]

How A Counselor Makes Sure You Get The Help You Need

When seeking counseling, it's important to find someone who can listen and guide you in the right direction. A good counselor doesn't just provide a space for you to talk, but they also work to make sure you receive the help you need. Here's what a counselor does to make sure you get the right kind of help. Create a Personalized Plan A personalized plan isn't just about taking notes during a session. [Read More]

What To Expect With Pilot Substanace Abuse Treatment

If you are a pilot and you are ready to get proper substance abuse treatment, you might want to know just what it is that you can expect. The more you know about what you are walking into when you seek out professional treatment, the more comfortable you can be about the entire process. Here are some of the things that you should know: You May Receive Time Off From Flying   [Read More]

4 Issues Young Adult Anxiety Counseling Addresses

The truth is everyone feels nervous from time to time. If you notice that your anxiety persists and has been getting worse over time, you might want to seek anxiety counseling. Otherwise, your anxiety disorder could end up severely impairing your ability to function in day-to-day life. This condition could also interfere with your relationships with family members and friends. Fortunately, though, there are effective treatments for young adults suffering from anxiety. [Read More]