Taking Control: Natural Techniques To Reduce Anxiety

Nearly 7 million American adults suffer from a general anxiety disorder, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Everyone experiences the occasional bout of anxiety. Between today's overburdened schedules and the current politically charged social environment, people are particularly vulnerable to these stressful episodes. Anxiety can spiral out of control and become debilitating as the effects consume your mental and physical health. Learn how to recognize anxiety and what you can do to take back control before its triggers and symptoms control you. [Read More]

3 Benefits Of Professional Counseling

If you are going through a difficult time in life, you may be considering going to therapy. However, you may feel unsure if it's worth the time and financial investment. One way to decide if therapy is worthwhile for you is to consider the potential benefits and how they might improve your life. Here are a few of the biggest benefits of professional counseling: Counseling Gives You a Space to Verbalize and Process [Read More]

What Types Of Programs Are Beneficial For Children With Down Syndrome?

If your child was born with Down syndrome, you may now be focused on finding different ways to help him or her. There are different types of therapies and programs offered to patients with Down syndrome. These programs and therapies are available to help the individuals who were born with the condition and need some extra assistance with certain things, such as learning how to effectively communicate. Speech Therapy Sessions [Read More]

Are You Returning To Work After Drug Treatment? 3 Strategies For Preventing Relapse

After years of battling an addiction, you are finally feeling better. Although it was hard to go through drug treatment, you know that you now have a new chance to get the most out of life. Yet, you can't help but feel a little nervous about returning to work because you know that increased stress can interfere with your recovery. Fortunately, you can transition back to working by incorporating these strategies into your relapse prevention plan. [Read More]