Childhood Emotional Trauma Doesn't Have To Affect Your Adult Life: How Therapy And Counseling Can Help

Trauma in your childhood leads to emotional problems later in life, such as abnormal amounts of anxiety and depression, and is a common driver of complex post-traumatic stress disorder. It can affect your ability to form healthy relationships and lead to self-medication by abusing substances. If you suffered a traumatic experience as a child, it's important for your well-being that you find a professional specializing in childhood emotional trauma therapy who will help you develop healthy coping skills. [Read More]

What Parents Should Know About Psychological Evaluations

Children can often exhibit signs of psychological disorders inside the classroom. If a teacher or school administrator notices a child behaving oddly over time, the school may reach out to the child's parents and suggest that a psychological evaluation be conducted. Receiving notice that your child may need a psychological evaluation can be frightening. Here are three things that you need to know about the evaluation process to help put your mind at ease. [Read More]

3 Tips For Integrating Psychology Into Your Weight Loss Plan

The basic strategy of losing weight is to achieve a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories, exercising, or ideally using a combination of both methods. Since losing weight is often more complicated than food and exercise, taking a psychological approach to your weight loss can give you a few more tools to help you reach your goals. Find Positive Reinforcement When you are not naturally inclined to eat healthy foods or exercise, the positive changes to your lifestyle can often feel like a punishment. [Read More]

Four Important Questions To Ask When Choosing A Substance Abuse Recovery Center For Your Son Or Daughter

If your son or daughter is battling a substance abuse problem and you are looking for a treatment center, then you should have a list of questions prepared before looking at each center. There are all sorts of treatment centers, but they might not be a perfect fit for your teen. So, it's good to know what to ask the intake counselor when you speak with them so that you don't waste time navigating the bureaucracy of a treatment facility that might not be the type of place you are looking for. [Read More]