Marital Counseling Can Save You From Divorce

3 Principles Taught In Premarital Counseling That Will Make Your Marriage Stronger

When a young couple gets engaged, they are often experiencing eros love, which is the type of love that makes you feel great and invincible. Unfortunately, this type of love does not always last. When things in marriage do not go exactly how you had planned, it can disrupt these great feelings, but premarital counseling can help. When you attend premarital counseling, you will learn that eros love fades, but that does not mean your love for each other will go away. Through premarital counseling, you will learn about the following three important principles to apply to your marriage. By applying these, you can have a marriage that lasts a lifetime.

Commit To Your Marriage

The first principle you will learn through counseling is commitment. While the divorce rate might be high, you do not have to fall into this statistic, and you can avoid divorce by committing to your marriage. Committing to marriage means that you will be willing to:

  • Work hard to solve problems
  • Never contemplate divorce
  • Accept that this is a lifelong adventure
  • Understand there will be highs and lows
  • Learn your spouse's needs, desires, and dreams and try to help him or her achieve those
  • Not always get your way

A solid commitment to each other may seem easy when you are feeling the sensations caused by eros love; however, things can change later on in life. Life is unpredictable and is full of surprises. The point of having a solid commitment to each other is so you both know that neither partner will give up through the hard times.

Accept The Differences In Each Other

You may also learn about the differences between you during premarital counseling. There are inherent differences between men and women to begin with, but every person is also unique in his or her own ways. Marriage is not about changing your spouse to be who you want them to be. It is more about changing yourself to become the person your spouse needs, and the person God wants you to be.

Learning to accept each other's differences may also be easy at first, but over time this can get harder. Instead of focusing on changing things you do not like about your spouse, you will need to learn to focus on the good aspects your spouse offers.

Learn Each Other's Love Languages

Premarital counseling can also help you learn how to speak the love language your spouse needs you to speak. This means that you will need to understand how your spouse feels loved, and you should realize that this may not necessarily be how you feel loved. For example, you might feel loved when your spouse spends a lot of quality time with you. When your spouse learns this and does this, it might make you feel truly loved in your marriage.

Your spouse, on the other hand, might feel loved by being touched. Failing to touch him or her enough may leave your spouse feeling unloved. Other people feel loved when their spouses speak kind words to them, and there are some people that feel loved when they receive gifts.

A premarital counselor can help you both learn what your love languages are, and he or she can help you learn how to use this knowledge to make your marriage better.

There are so many great things you can learn during premarital counseling, and the things you learn can help you have a successful, lifelong marriage. Marriage takes work, dedication, and commitment, but having a great marriage is possible. If you would like to learn more, contact a counselor that offers premarital counseling services. If you're both religious, you may even consider more specialized counseling, such as christian premarital counseling, which will give you tools to use in your marriage that will take your faith and spirituality into account. 
